your awesome and correct, and thank you , đź’ž
my take on this ,
A common issue I see with transitioning in relationship of the person with dysphoria can understand it is not by choice that you feel this way . But for anyone who doesn’t have dysphoria ,they will likely assumes transitioning is a decision. that one makes to be trans, when in reality ,it isn’t . One of my his relatives and her religious assumptions of being gay is a choice. , or my mother and sister asking if I could find middle ground in this , both assume that being gay or trans is a choice. the first one has the implication of ,”your going to hell for that.” lucky her she gets to go to heaven because she is not gay. the other assumes that I am making an active choice to transition. And if that is correct then I can choose to not transition . both are based in false narratives and how they feel about what someone is or does as far as sexual preference sexuality and gender . None are based on real medical knowledge of the condition.It is like saying I chose to be sick or have cancer or brown hair. totally ludicrous yet they don’t see it. Even a well educated individual who says they well educated about gender dysphoria and or other medical conditions ,would have to agree we don’t choose our hair color or how tall we grow to , or whether our heart has a bad valve. So my question would be why they assume we are choosing this. I will do some assuming to by saying it is likely their own perversion has been projected into our actions. Even if they don’t admit it or never focus on it or entertain the perverted thoughts. And to prove this I image we are all capable of the same experiences emotionally or physically or psychologically. because we are basicly the same . at least closer than say a salamander or tree or a bird and I ,just a thought , but it makes sense. that someone who doesn’t embrace our transition or even misgenders us or dead names us ,is thinking we are choising to be this way. and with that we could just as easily not choose it. even if they’re not cognizant of this mindset or their reasons for thinking this way. A lot of the times this happens is when those that chose to help us work through our gender dysphoria , or are our advocate or supportersbut don’t have dysphoria. They might find themselves questioning the validity of the diagnosis. Since most that came out late in life ,hid so completely that part of them. That’s like someone secretly practicing to be a great dancer and one day when they are at work loading a truck ,or shoveling gravel for the road department , A worker states at lunch break that they will persue a dance career ,then breaks out into a dance routine that would make Michael Jackson envy. since moves along at first with acknowledgment social and personal expression ,it can appear like a sudden aberration that shows up without warning