Jen Waters
2 min readJan 7, 2022


You know I totally get where you are coming from and why. The fact that I don't have any children of my own ,yet felt compelled not to bring to the attention my gender issue to my sisters children while they were still growing up, now off on their own as adults. In a way I look back and think I kept them safe yes? No? they never knew me or the real me, and I was protecting myself as much as I was pertecting them . The difference is these young adults are living with you or perhaps sharing this living arrangements with their biological father. So contact and association are much closer than my situation. So it seems prudent to era on the side of caution. Still this is who you are as and the same for me. I have been ghosted by my friends ,family and of course my nieces and nephew. not a call not a card nothing. And like you pointed out ,one brave friend told me ,wow it must be tough having people think you are a Pervert or pedophile,,,,,,,,,,,,, excuse me what? Or my aunt tellng me Oh I don't judge , I am just thankful to be in Gods graces and that I am not gay? ..........what? ,,,,need I say more. If it were not for this Community here ,people like kitty emma logan jenny Ali KP vickie you ,people who are caring kind hearted souls , I don't think I would have survived the holidays.

It is sad to think my lifetime of selfless service has been reduced to pedophile pervert sinner ......this is how I came from the factory out of the box , I did not choose these gifts that were bestowed upon me, and I will be damned if I am goig to let someones disgusting perverted twisted imagination defined me. Because I am there for I shall be. me. thank you all so much Anna love you with all my heart from now till the end of time. jen



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