art by jen

warning strong language

Jen Waters


just a note

while I was taking a shower it dawned me that really everyday we get a little closer to our goal. One day we will look in the mirror and think damn I am proud of myself to even venturing down this road toward making myself happy. I earned it but ya totally I look pretty hot for an old girl . I should be happy, many never know that feeling ,some don’t even know what they want and die before they figure it out. So if you going through this today , feel good about your awesome ass , you’re a rockstar,, now go shine.

nice try! I think I will go back to sleep 🛌.. thank you

hummm 🤨





okay,, okay! rising ,,,,shining,,,🌟 better? 😇

🤨ya well okay 🧐 I’m going to the store….I will be back ,,,,


