To be determined
Chapter 6
The afternoon sun was racing across the sky. Autumn breezes filled house with fragrant smells of the leaves that had fallen the day before from the quick moving storm that brought us much cooler and more seasonal temperatures.
Mom was busier than usual with canning,pickling but as usual seemed to have eyes in the back of her head. “Gertrude stop horsing around with Joey and give your sister a hand with those jars I am going to need them here real soon. And Joey didn’t I tell you to fetch me wood. Listen I have enough to do with out baby sitting you all, your all grown up now it would be nice if you were to act like it.” Our mother was a loving parent but when she was working she was all business and you best listen up or there would be hell to pay and we all knew it. Soon there was a lull in the hectic fury of chores that had to be done. I was washing out the pots and pans and Cheryl was drying and putting them away. Mom was looking over the jars for leaks and lids that didn’t seem to be on right.
“Mom may I go to the dance next Friday night I really want to go.” I struggled out the words anticipating a unwelcome answer. “Honey you know how I feel about you going out at night unescorted. I don’t remember you telling me you had a date. Did someone ask you to go yet?” Her eyes were piercing my face looking for any gesture or nuance of misleading expressions. “ Not exactly but I am pretty sure that..” I didn’t finish my sentence before she looked away and said. “ You know what I am going to say about those two. Unless it’s that nice boy over at Welch’s farm I am going to have to say no.” I sighed I should have waited for a better time when she was more agreeable. That was a mistake I was really starting to hate myself for being to impatient. Cheryl nudged my arm and said “Look kid I can’t save you every time you are going to have to fend for yourself one day.” Cheryl spoke up. “ Mom if I were to chaperone the little twit could she go.” Mom looked at Cheryl with contempt “ I don’t like you calling your little sister that…” Cheryl “I am sorry I didn’t mean anything by it but could she please.” Cheryl was just like mom she was one tough cookie with a heart of gold. Mom started to speak “Well..” I started to jump around and squeak hugging Cheryl and smiling. “You girls know the rules no drinking no smoking… “ Thank you thank you .” I was peppering Cheryl with kisses. “ Okay you little twit keep it down you going to blow it.” Cheryl said as she fought back her smile.
The days dragged on every thing that could come up seemed to decide to happen right down the line.
I was walking home from school with my friend Mary. She was telling me about the dress she had been working on for the dance. “I had to blind stitch the hem twice or the lace would have curled up “ Mary said as I nodded switching arms because my school books were so heavy. “I am almost done with mine Cheryl has been a big help with all my sewing. I can’t believe our teacher gave us so much homework. She knows we have the dance coming up you think she would have given us a break.” I said sound frazzled.” Did you hear about Mike ..” Mary interjected “I don’t like him he seems like he has a devilish nature about him” I looked perplexed at her and said“Well what I don’t hear anything over on my end of the county.” Mary raised her eyebrows “ Seems like Mike and some other guy stole a train and drove it up to Clayville before the police got involved. You know they jumped off while it was moving like the wind .” My eyes were as big as dinner plates.
Yep jumped off right into Sayers creek and the authorities didn’t catch the run away train till it hit the tri state border. “
Officer Kessler told my mother and wanted to know if I might know who these boys were.”
“What really oh brother those two are in for it.” I said
“Oh I didn’t say a thing I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at Bill. I knew my big brother wasn’t going to say anything. He just looked Officer Kessler in the eye and said my little sister doesn’t run with boys like that.” Mary gesturing like she was swatting a fly from her face.
“Wow that sure was nice of Billy to cover for you but then you know he always does.” I said as we reached Mary’s road. We gave each other a quick hug. And I preceded on home.
“Don’t forget your coat tomorrow I’ll see if I can’t get it fixed by Friday.” Mary yelled as she did a pirouette on one foot, her long hair trailing behind her. Her smile was so infectious no one could ever look at her and not smile. My smile soon faded as I started to think of how much I had to do. I found my quick pace turned into a run as I juggled my school books from one arm to the other. I could see the smoke rising from our stove when I finally slowed down. “You are breathing heavy.” Mom said as I placed a kiss on her cheek. “Oh our teacher gave us so much homework doesn’t she realize how much we have to do already.” I pouted “Well dear you could skip the dance that would free up some of your time.” Mom shot back
“Oh mother .” I could see the smirk on her face as I headed to the table to put down my books. “Oh daughter not on the kitchen table.” She said mocking my tone. Dam how does she do that she wasn’t even looking my way.
I worked like nobody’s business, everything seemed to be moving at the speed of lightning around me my school work my dress my chores the days, were so dam hectic I can’t imagine anyone enjoying this pace or even surviving it for extended periods. The truth is now when I look back at the time, I chuckle at how simple I was thinking , it was really not that bad compared to modern times, Christ we didn’t have a tv or even a car . It seemed like I walked everywhere and if we went to the store it was maybe once every two or three months if that. Life was slow easy but very rewarding. You knew everyone and they knew you, you almost couldn’t help but to stop and talk when you passed someone’s house. It was rude not to and everyone was so polite and respectful. I don’t know what happened to everyone theses days, they must be in their own world, they seem to only care about themselves, it’s no wonder they have no problem killing each other. They just are missing the best part of life running around like nuts hating everyone or blaming them for their own problems. I don’t remember ever seeing or hearing anything like that growing up. But times change I really hope they change back again one day