Jen Waters
3 min readJan 3, 2022

Those shoes

art by jen

always loved fashion and fashion art, I admit it wasn’t easy and boy oh boy I made a lot of confetti out of flops and duds. Drawing and paint people was not an easy thing to accomplish, I set the bar as high as I thought I could go in each piece. Obsession I think it's called

with repeat attempts , A artist I followed on youtube put it this way,” If you want to paint a great portrait paint a few landscapes ,want to paint flowers paint a few animals , each thing teaches something about the other ,more variety the better. They are all building blocks that lead you to your best work.”

art by jen

I don’t do nudes, this is about far enough in my book, I tend to leave somethings to the imagination of the audience. “ just because you can doesn’t mean you should when it comes to full nudity. “

this is a copy ,art by jen

this is a copy of one of my friend from deviant art named Dirk The best part about doing copies is the reaction you get from the original artist.

They are always delighted that someone thought their work was worthy of the effort. But that doesn’t mean it should be taken for granted.

when I could I would be the model referenced like for these two pieces

and this bad portrait oh man

art by jen

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