Jan 7, 2022
There ain’t no days ,like snow days
Quit your day dreaming and get in the car ,mommies don’t get snow days and you’re going to school.
Harrison “ awe sugar”
What did you say? 🙊
Nothing mommy! Man she’s a bitch today.🤫
Ssh you trying to get us in trouble?😲
Just saying.🐒
Harrison bouncing down the stairs, “oh man it snowed “
Julia walking by shoulders hanging low “we’re going to school “
Harrison “awe 🤬”
Caroline heading upstairs to brush her teeth “ don’t make eye contact“
Harrison ignoring the warning “ hi mommy”
Growl “what the heck are you looking at, it’s time to go , come on move it mister.”
Harrison “awe🤬”
Art by jen©️