Jen Waters
Jan 7, 2022


There ain’t no days ,like snow days

Quit your day dreaming and get in the car ,mommies don’t get snow days and you’re going to school.

Harrison “ awe sugar”

What did you say? 🙊

Nothing mommy! Man she’s a bitch today.🤫

Ssh you trying to get us in trouble?😲

Just saying.🐒

Harrison bouncing down the stairs, “oh man it snowed “

Julia walking by shoulders hanging low “we’re going to school “

Harrison “awe 🤬”

Caroline heading upstairs to brush her teeth “ don’t make eye contact“

Harrison ignoring the warning “ hi mommy”

Growl “what the heck are you looking at, it’s time to go , come on move it mister.”

Harrison “awe🤬”

Art by jen©️



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