art by jen ,wish you were here

sometimes friends

Jen Waters
1 min readJan 26, 2022

and sometimes family

and some of the times not

Someone to call on

and sometime I am not

Where am I where were you

someone waiting at home

loneliness questioning

why am I here

I wish I may and I wish I might

to often times we fight

why do I care

why again tonight

no one said it would be easy

no one warned me about the years

sometimes I would like to go back

I just don’t want to relive the tears

that passed beneath the proverbial bridges

Contrite begat my silent ears

If I could paint for you

the watercolors all ran amok

feeling like you have nothing left

I never play games of luck

or at least it seems that way

watching the remnants of life gone wrong loaded on a trucks

bound for it’s place among the mountians of anonymity

I tell you this feeling sucks



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