perfectly aware and totally frightened disheartened and sad. The mourning process has not even started yet because I am in shock. Shocked because our country chose hatred over compassion and empathy a criminal over the rule of law. It will be centuries before the damage is undone if it is ever undone. None will escape the carnage that soon will envelop their lives. Democracy died yesterday. As a transgender woman I fear for my life and safety. Worse this was perpetrated by the hands of my own family and friends. Total MAGA cult members. They are cheering today the loss of their freedoms.
I already deleted everything from my accounts and memberships followings and subscriptions.
Most people don’t understand the strain put on a marginalized group like those who are transgender. We like immigrants are the scapegoats. The first ones people are going to eradicate along with any support system we might have. Most cisgender people can go about their business even if they are gay or nonbinary but tran people don’t have that luxury.
Excuse me for the lengthy reply. It might be my last.