Oh Blue why so?

Jen Waters
2 min readJan 1, 2022


Photography by jen
art by jen
art by jen
art by jen
art by jen
art by jen

I figured I could do a theme on blue.

I thought of printing out cards with this picture of earth on them and a caption and a red arrow pointing at earth , that said You live here.so if someone got lost they would know where their home was. Or if you ran into someone that seemed like they must be out of their mind or from another planet, bam ! card ,

The next painting over and to the right is called Know your limit. my million dollar one off painting. What does it represent ?

80% of the population likes blue or favors blue. While only 1% of men like pink.

Blue represents cold but also clean. So if you wanted to know why dish soap or laundry detergent has a blue color that is the only reason . Many believe that it has a calming effect ,it doesn’t. To much blue can cause stress. Just like green. Studies have shown that pink is very good at keeping people calm as opposed to blue.



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