Now what would you say?
In a world that owes you nothing and sometimes unfair
Haters ,fanatical, doom and gloom, end of life as we know it,
pessimistic, undermining, naysayers, greedy, self serving, mindless, preachy, my way or the highway, hidden agenda, conspiracy theologians.
It’s just nice to go for a walk , breathe a breath of fresh air ,clear the clattering jibber jabber from your mind and listen to the symphony of nature surrounding you in a simplicity of bliss as the sun dances through the leaves of the trees and dancing in the shadows of passing clouds playfully scatters across the woodland floor. A gentle breeze washes away the nonsense and heat of a hot summer day. Caressing the spirit in fragrant honeysuckle and pine.
Simple is life ,it is us humans who make it complicated.
Peace on earth should be year round, not a one day event or a slogan. Just my opinion no offense please.
So often we are reminded of how tenuous life can be.
We look for reasons why someone, anyone would harm or steal away innocents. It’s not just the victim that pays the price nor is it the victims family and friends. It is all of us that pay the price of these acts.
As artists we search for the holy grail ,through art ,that unleashes the imagination of everyone who views, reads, hears our work. Often toiling untold hours, days, years. For so many this endeavor goes unnoticed with little reward.
Face it that is not why we try, satisfaction of trying our best our enjoyment of being creative, maybe making a few smile this is more than anyone can ask.
So for the majority of creative people who look to spark wonder and joy in the hearts and dreams of our fellow humans.
We ,or maybe it would be better to say, I cannot understand why there is a need for such hatred. Other than ignorance , fear or possibly mental illness but this is no excuse.
No one has it easy we all have had our share of tough times ,bad luck ,unfortunate outcomes, traumatic experiences.
Perhaps I am naive in my thinking, maybe peace on earth is just a slogan ,a one day a year gimmick, a fairytale that never will happen.
don’t thank me,
don’t praise my work,
don’t smile or laugh at my jokes
don’t offer me kindness or admiration
take all that and more that you would offer
place it at the feet of my brothers ,sisters, mothers fathers and friends without hesitation.
I only ask you to please
Pay it forward
Thank you