Jen Waters
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

If I should fall in battle

would you continue to fight
would you pick up my sword and try to wrong the right
or carry my shield to battle
defending those who share your view
putting aside our differences
for the benefit of just a few

we are only as good as our worse moment
there for no ones hands are clean.
In as much, should we not be forgiven by our own measure.
Or should we remove the word “trust”

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The art of war

My pen ⚔️and my sword ⚔️

I have opened my eyes so that you may see
I have listened so that you may hear
I have knocked so that you may answer
I have sacrificed so that you may receive
I have wondered so that you may be found
I have reached so that you may gain
All this I have done so that you may know
All these things in great measure for those who came before
and for those who are to follow.

My pen is my sword
For all those filled with troubles and despair
For those who experience or harbor hatred
For those who know love and for those who seek
For not only for the mortal flesh and bones
Nor those who’s voices have been silenced

let this be my deposition
Love casts it’s light upon the humbled path
The truth now shown can not be hidden

The sword lay waist to the hatred and it’s restraints
The pen destroys the power of the wicked oppressors
Lift the clouds of sorrow that scorched the earth
Return the promise of life’s joy from its absence
Free those who are fettered in body and soul
the victims of their fate or evil intentions

Only love can fulfill the eternal promise of peace to all
unconditionally and forevermore
Only love can consummate this to the abiding truth

You are my witness
And this is
My pen ⚔️ and my sword ⚔️

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