I think we think alike in many ways. Since I was aware and rejected the notion , I had body dysmorphia bad , cried looking at my hands ,feet chest,you name it it hurt to watch my sister thinking I would never get the opportunity. When she got pregnant the first time ,omg i cried for days, and when her oldest got pregnant 21 years later it broke my heart to feel that way. knowing it was a time for joy not tears. Want a period ,ya that's like asking if s-- flows down hill. Even the other day I face the same demons. When I was 17 most knew what I was what I wanted, I could be heard saying I would rather be a poor woman than a rich man. There are some that still remember. The other issue brought to light waswho we were attracted to you sexually. And inevitably excepting the fact that I am a little homophobic, meaning I never considered myself male and preferred men over women, again when asked I would say I am not gay no more gay than anyother woman that was attacted to men. Honestly I thought I was the only one that thought this way...crazy . Thanks for sharing this Kitty 💕