how awesome is this ? I love it Tori ,just one word of caution ,and it is probably just me and this darn isolation. But my first supporter turned on me before xmas , leaving me in disarray and heart broken, later found out that those that were understanding at first disappeared because they didn't know how to deal with the reality of this. It is one thing to talk about it quite another when it hits you in the face. I wouldn't worry about doctors , expect to be misgendered a lot. I have been on hrt for over a year. it took months before anything started to change. Difference is I already look like a girl. My body shape and size is enviable by most all trans and cis gender women. and my hair has always been long. In highschool It was down to my butt. I had longer hair than all the girls for sure. I was constantly being misgendered which I pretended not to notice , internally i was doing cartwheels. I have had many experiences you're free to ask. I was married to a man for thirty years before his death 3 years ago. I had girlfriends but sex with them grossed me out. Trust me they were hot looking women. I never said I wanted to be a girl or a woman. I always was and that made no sense. If you prefer to just chat you may email me at ,I will forward my real email from there.
I really hope you have a good day. ☮️♥️
all the best