did you read my about? I have been there done that bought the closet full of t shirts. And There isn't a job in construction I haven't done . As well mechanics I am known for having this gift of being able to fix anything , even if i don't know what it is or what it does. in addition to welding brazing stick o2 and gas welding , aluminum , that takes me to my hobbie of years ago and my 88 honda cr 500 , the bike that Robbie Madison jumped 346' same one I road. You are never to old to be you. and i have had to face this transition on my own , no support groups no therapist never even met a trans person in my 58 years till last spring. I am on hrt for over a year and I don't wear mens clothes , why would I? i am a girl. honestly I was amazed at how well receptive I was oh by the way there are no trans people that live in this area none whatsoever. well there is one ,,me and everybody knows me I can't even wear a mask . talk about putting yourself in a tight spot.