🤢🤮 because the Bible is written by a bunch of barbaric men for men.
If I asked a question, what do you remember from before you were born? That is what I believe you will remember after you are dead.
Some may make claims but most would say they remembered nothing. I am no theologian but to me that makes sense.
Most look at God as a superhero Santa Claus there to answer every question and to grant you every prayer. Unfortunately there are too many examples of prayers not being answered. And why would a Omni present loving God put a victim with a perpetrator for eternity unless he she they were total psychopaths. Or worse punish someone who did nothing bad really in the fires of hell. /? God makes no sense and actually the story of God goes back to when humans were having a hard time explaining the world around them. In the very first God story myth , God was a giant snake that slithered across the land making rivers and lakes, pushing up mountains as he went , and at some point took to the sky and made it rain , and the rain created vegetation and animals sprung up from there , and at some point the snake god created humans, a man and a woman. Later the snake god was adapted to represent a dragon like in the asian cultures , if this sounds familiar it is because modern religions copied these old stories and rewrote them to reflect their own beliefs and prejudices. Changing God from a, serpent into a human and using the serpent as the devil to make a point that the old stories were wrong and ,,,god forbid sinful…puke 🤮